Sunday, July 8, 2012

Salutations! I have a small haul for everyone! On Saturday I picked up the pond's facial moisturizer because my face has been super dry and flaky for some reason. Even though it is 100 degrees here it still has been dry! So I bought this in hopes that it will help, I will do an update later when I have had more time to test it out. The second thing I bought was for my hair. I have super thick and curly hair, the kind where you can grab a curl, pull it, and it will snap back to its original self. With that being said my hair gets dry very easily and as of late my scalp has been flaking a lot, even though it is summer! Ugh! So I have been rubbing this oil onto my scalp almost every night in hopes that it will not be so dry. The oil smells like peppermint, which I love, and has a slight tingling sensation, which is also pleasant. I have also pushed back my washing date and I hope that will help. I will update in a few weeks on the progress. Thanks for your time!
Ground turkey, romaine lettuce, and grissini bread stick.

Canned chicken breast, romaine lettuce, and grissini bread stick.
Salutations! I'm really sorry that it has been so long since my last post. Honestly, I don't have an excuse as to why I am posting things so late and I will try harder to post updates and things more frequently before I start school. The reason I am posting now is because I have exciting news! I have gone back on the HCG, I started it Monday, July 2nd. I weighed in that morning at 225.5 and as of today, July 8th, I weigh in at 214.5! Eleven pounds gone and it hasn't even been a full week! I am super excited because this is the smallest I have been since...elementary school? I know that is sad but I am doing something about it now! Once I hit 191 I will have lost 100 pounds since starting my weight loss journey back in August 2011. When that day comes, hopefully in about two weeks or so, I plan on celebrating! I'm not sure what I am going to do but it will be fun! As a special bonus I am uploading pictures of my lunch and dinner. I also had two Fuji apples but I forgot to take pictures of them. I didn't really like the ground turkey this way, I prefer it with tomato sauce, but I needed to use the rest of the romaine before it went bad. I hope to update soon! Thanks for your time!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Face of the day

Salutations! Just writing another post about the makeup I decided to wear today! For my face I wore the Garnier BB cream in medium deep, blush is Maybelline dream bouncy blush in pink frosting, for my eyes I decided on the Jordana Best Lash Extreme Volumizing Mascara, and on my lips I have the Jordana easyshine in Sugar Cookie. I am really loving these products right now and since it is getting a little warmer outside my eyelids have been super oily and I just don't feel the need for eyeshadow or eyeliner when I wear this mascara. Thanks for reading!

Update on Weightloss and Life!

Salutations! I am so sorry that I have not made an update in a while. I was trying out some products and I wanted to wait and see if anything changed before I updated you guys! During the last couple of weeks I have lost another 19 pounds, my current weight is 231 and my total weight loss is 60 pounds! I am really excited and my family is also very proud of me! The products I used were the following: Wonder Woman Maca Pills (from, Oxyelite Pro (from GNC), and Raspberry Ketone pills (from These were all purchased by me and I did not receive compensation from any of the company's. While on these pills I did not work out, but I walk around my campus to get to my classes. I did however lower the amount of carbs I ate and ate smaller portion sizes. I also tried to drink at least three liters of water a day. I found these products to be very useful together, more so the Oxyelite pro and raspberry keytones given the fact that they were geared more towards weight loss while the maca root pills were for plumping my butt. Just a little review on the maca root pills I have been taking them for about a month and I have noticed my butt to be a tad more cushioned then before but it is recommended to use the pills for at least six months to see the best results. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Weight Loss Products Soon!

Salutations! This is my weekly update and I just thought I let everyone know that there is going to be a supplement haul coming within the next two weeks or so! I have been researching ways to get a bigger butt, since my own is a little flat but muscular. I will give an update on how that goes within a month or so. I also plan on ordering a bottle of raspberry ketones from the creative bioscience company. I realize my last post was about them but honestly their products work and I will keep trying their products until I get down to my goal weight, which is 150. I was just offered a job with my University and I want to be in the best shape of my life by September 2012. I will write a post when I receive my new weight loss supplements and post a picture. Thanks for your time!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My first weight loss product

Salutations! I am writing this post because I thought it would be a good idea to give a review on this weight loss product. The product is called HCG and I bought mine at Just a little basic information HCG is a type of hormone that pregnant women produce. The hormone aids in the process of getting nutrition to the developing fetus. Please correct me if any of this is wrong, I haven't really done a thorough job researching this product as of late. Here is what a bottle looks like, this is one of my bottles by the way. I started using this around mid to late July of 2011. My starting weight was 291, the heaviest I have been in all my life. I was on the HCG for a little more than 5 weeks (the maximum amount of use is 6 weeks with a 3 week break before starting again). I ended at 250, my total weight loss was 41 pounds! This was the smallest I had been since junior high! I did gain about seven or eight pounds back because I did not follow the directions for reintegrating "regular" food back into my system BUT I was able to maintain my weight after the gain quite nicely.
        This product is not for people with no will power! It did help me lose weight fast but the eating program (they now have three different types) I chose was very strict. I was essentially consuming 500 calories a day along with 3 to 5 liters of water and a cup of iced green tea. EATING LESS WILL NOT MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER WHEN ON THIS!!!! I found that if I had eaten less my weight loss would stall for a day or two. Also you can not work out a lot while on this product! I walked almost everyday, that was all. You could jog or do some lite swimming but nothing to strenuous. I did not get compensated for this blog post, I just wanted to share a product that really helped me jump start my weight loss journey. If you would like more information go to the website they have a toll free number you can call with questions. The company is creative bioscience and their products are made in the US and you can even purchase the HCG at Kmart I believe. I hope this helped!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Makeup Haul

I know I never said anything about makeup, skin care, or hair care, but these things are also important to me. Because when you look good, you feel good and I believe makeup can really help with one's confidence. I know I feel good when I walk out the door with some makeup on, even if it is just lip gloss, eye liner, and mascara. So here is a picture of what I bought today while I was at Sephora!

I bought the Toki Doki Mirror ($5), Hello Kitty Lip Gloss in Peach Pie ($9), and lastly the Stila smudge crayon in antique ($22). All these were purchased by me with my own money.